Chapter 9.8- Prom

Irene repairs the trash compacter

Ian and Matthew go to prom together and now are officially a couple

Issac and Igor are soon teens. Issac is Disciplined and Igor is a computer whiz

Irene plays games on the computer

Matthew practices his technique

Ian uses the music box

He still loves pillow fights

Matthew loves exercise.

Chapter 9.14- Prom

Alex plays with her son

she also works on her charisma skill

Kenneth and Alex are still quite romantic

Aurora went to prom with Robi. They spent a lot of time together, had their first kiss and he became her boyfriend.

Kenny upgraded the fireplace to fireproof

He encouraged his son’s music

Lucky played

Kenny and Bryson had a pillow fight

Archer became a child and rolled the daredevil trait

Alex got promoted

Chapter 8.9- Prom

Kenneth gets a job at the Supermarket checking that Produce meets the correct standards

Bryson plays video games

Kenneth has a interesting time at prom

Bryson and Kathy work on keeping the bathroom clean. Bryson repairs the appliances whilst Kathy mops up the mess

Brandi masters the cooking skill

Bryson has his birthday

Kathy works out

Bryson gains a new trait

Chapter 5.9- Prom

Arabella has her birthday

The twins have lots of fun and some mishaps at prom

Abel is famous

Abel got promoted and achieved his lifetime wish

Molona and Abel retire

Arabella gets promoted

She gets a makeover

Roselyn plays shuffleboard

Rebekah and Abel play video games together

Rebekah also plays chess

Family exersize time

Abel dies of old age

Roselyn plays game son the computer

Chapter 4.7- Prom

Adam helps with the cleaning, he even empties the potties

Keon is so flexiable

Molana makes some new friends

Ashley chats away

Arabella enjoys climbing

Adam does his homework

Molona snuggles with Annabel.

Adam goes to prom and has a great time. He gets his Frist kiss and first Girlfriend. He also had lots of fun dancing and became prom king.

Arabella plays video games

Abel had his birthday

He cooks dinner

and practises karate

Chapter 5.6- Teenage Fun

Adam and Joni like to spend time together but have thier own hobbies

Hannah loves the snow and decided to do her homework outside

Hasan got promoted and now runs his own department

Jamie works on his logic

Hannah searches for stars

Hannah loves to do pranks and not get caught

She works on her foosball skills

Hasan and Jamie do some reading

Jamie talks to his daughter about her role in the legacy and how when sh comes fo age she will be leading it.

Hannah goes to prom. She and Jamie are now official and she had lots of fun dancing.

Chapter 3.8- Prom

Molona just has to find a unique way to do everything even bowling

Molona and Abel had a great time at prom and even became offical.

Kristine loves to play kicky ball

Keon enjoys stargazing and soon was able to find and name a star.

Molona finds video games a great way to relax after a hard day at school and work

James made some great pancakes and won some money.